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Below are existing incentives which motivate the industry to introduce, manufacture and adopt greener building and construction materials / products. The list will grow as we continuously work to strengthen the certification in Hong Kong.

1. BEAM Plus New Buildings V2.0 – Materials & Waste MW9 – Use of Certified Green Products

- 1 credit for having at least 5% certified green products in one (1) of the listed categories (outside surface works, building façade and structures, interior non-structural components, and building services components).  
- 2 credits for having at least 5% certified green products in two (2) of the listed categories.

1 additional BONUS credit for having at least 5% of certified green products under Construction Industry Council (CIC) Green Product Certification.
- 2 additional BONUS credits for having at least 25% of certified green products under CIC Green Product Certification.
2. BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Comprehensive Scheme -  Materials and Waste Aspects (MWA) 2 - Use of Certified Green Products

  - 1 Bonus credit of having 5% of the sustainable products in any one of the product categories as specified in CIC Green Product Certification.

- 2 Bonus credits for having 5% of certified sustainable products for at least 3 product categories (each category should have at least 5%) as specified in CIC Green Product Certification.
(*The percentage calculation can be in mass, volume, quantity, area or dollar’s value. All items including existing and newly purchased items shall be included in the calculation.)
3. BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Selective Scheme -  Materials and Waste Aspects (MWA) 2 – Materials Purchasing Practices

- Maximum 5 credits for purchasing environmentally friendly product during refurbishment including product certified under CIC Green Product Certification.
4. Green Item Subsidy (GIS) of Urban Renewal Authority

CIC Green Product Certification has been accepted by URA on the Green Item Subsidy (GIS) under the Common Area Repair Works Subsidy covered by the Integrated Building Maintenance Assistance Scheme. The maximum amount of GIS is HK$1,500 per property unit subject to a cap of HK$600,000 per Owners’ Corporation.

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