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Certified Carbon Auditor


HOME > How to Apply > Certified Carbon Auditor
Certified Carbon Auditor (CCA)
A Certified Carbon Auditor (CCA) is an individual who is qualified to conduct CFP quantification and reporting for a particular product category under the CIC Green Product Certification Scheme.

There are 2 routes available for you to register as a Certified Carbon Auditor.

You may choose any one of the routes which is suitable for you when you make your application. Please look carefully on the corresponding requirements before submitting your application.
Application for Certified Carbon Auditor
To apply for Certified Carbon Auditor (CCA), a completed Application Form, copies of document proof of the qualifications and other relevant supporting documents shall be submitted by email to [email protected] or mail to HKGBC, 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong. The Applicant may be requested to provide supplementary documents and evidence during the application process.
Application Form
For ALL applicants, please complete the Certified Carbon Auditor (CCA) Application Form

Please download the application form here:
Certified Carbon Auditor (CCA) Application Form
  1. All applicants are required to submit copies of document proof of attendance in the following courses: Awareness Course and Carbon Auditor Course (Ready-Mixed Concrete / Reinforcing Bar and Structural Steel / Cement).
  2. For applicants who wish to apply based on holding other relevant certificates, please ensure that the certificate was obtained within the past five (5) years and remains valid. Please submit the relevant supporting documents along with your application.
  3. For applicants who wish to apply based on having more than 1-year experience in carbon footprint auditing, please complete the Appendix - Letter of Reference.
An administration fee of HK$ 900 will be charged for registration and a certificate of Certified Carbon Auditor (valid for 3 years) will be issued.
To maintain the credential(s) of Certified Cerified Carbon Auditor, each registrant is required to renew the qualification every 3 years by settle a renewal fee of HK$ 900.
Registrant who failed to settle the renewal fee will be suspended from the Certified Carbon Auditor list.

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